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Byta Bromsvätska

    @user_485454 Nov 05, 2023
    Hello! When changing the brake fluid on a Renault Zoe, you first do the 4 brake calipers in the same way as normal fuel cars. But then when you have to replace the brake fluid in the Brake Booster unit, you apparently have to have a Dignos tool that you connect to the car’s OBD-2 socket. And in that diagnostic device, you must first activate the brake servo pump, so that it starts pumping pressure in the brake system. And then you must clearly activate the 3 air nipples that are on the Brake Booster unit. And this should also be done in the Diagnostic Tool. Now I don’t know more about this. So now I write my question here. Should you just remove the rubber cap that sits on each Air Nipple, on the Brake Booster, (3 pieces), and put a rubber hose on each Air Nipple, which goes to a bottle, before you start the ABS Pump, (Brake servo pump), and activate the Solenoid valves in the Brake Booster, for each Air Nipple, (3 pieces)? Or should you do the same way as you do on the 4 Brake Calipers? Put a rubber hose on the air nipples and then open the air nipples with a suitable ring wrench, so that the air and brake fluid come out? And then close the air nipples when it starts to come out New fine brake fluid. Thank’s! From Tommy.



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  • RENAULT | Zoe (BFM_)
    @Yeasught1940 Nov 06, 2023
    Hello, everything is correct, you need to unscrew the nipple on the rear right wheel first and wait until new fluid flows, but you must remember to constantly add fluid to the tank so that no air gets in, and wait until new fluid flows. After this, all the other 3 wheels do the same
    • RENAULT Zoe (BFM_) ZOE
      @user_485454 @Yeasught1940 Jan 10, 2024
      Hello! Thanks! For the Answer. You write in your answer that you should start with the rear right caliper first. But I have bought a Complete Service Manual on the Internet, from a seller from Great Britain. Which applies to Renault Zoe 2012-2020. And in the service manual it says that you should change the brake fluid in this order. Left Front / Right Front / Left Rear / Right Rear. Thanks! From Tommy Bertilsson from Sweden.
    @user_485454 Jan 24, 2024
    Hello! I have found out, from a Renault mechanic, that if you “Just” change the brake fluid in your Renault Zoe, (Electric car). Then you don’t need to do the second part of the Brake fluid change. So, the part when you have to use a Computer/Diagnostic tool, which you connect to the Car’s OBDll socket. When you start the ABS pump and open 4 solenoid valves, with the Diagnostic Tool or a Computer. and then open the 3 air nipples on the brake booster. with a ring spanner. You don’t have to do this if you “Just” change the brake fluid. However, you must use a brake fluid bleeder. Which puts pressure in the brake system. (A plastic container, with a pump and a manometer on it. You fill it with 3-4 liters of new brake fluid, close the lid and connect the rubber hose with a plastic cap to the brake fluid container in the engine compartment of the car. And then you pump up a pressure of 1.5 Bar to 2.0 Bar. Then just Start with the Left Front Wheel. Loosen the Air Nipple, and release the Brake Fluid into a container until new Brake Fluid comes. Then close the Air Nipple. Do the same work on the Right Front Wheel, Left Rear Wheel and Right Rear Wheel. You must often keep an eye on the manometer, so that it does not drop below 1.5 Bar. You may pump up the pressure several times during the work. At least 1 time after each brake caliper. Preferably more often. Check that the brake fluid in the brake bleeder does not run out. But if you pour in 3 Liters from the beginning, in the Brake Bleeder, then it should be enough. The Renault mechanic said that there is a little less than 2 Liters of Brake Fluid in the entire Brake System of a Renault Zoe. Including the Brake Fluid Container in the Engine Compartment. ( But if you are going to change any part of the brake system, such as the ABS pump or the brake booster. Then you have to do the second part of the Brake fluid change as well. ( With the Computer or Diagnostic Tool ). But you start by doing the first part of the Brake fluid change. At the 4 brake calipers. And after that, you do the second part of the Brake fluid change ).
    • RENAULT | Zoe (BFM_)
      @Yeasught1940 @user_485454 Jan 25, 2024
      Thanks for the clarification, maybe I did it all wrong once. I think this information will be very useful not only for me but also for many other forum participants.
    • RENAULT Zoe (BFM_) ZOE
      @user_485454 @Yeasught1940 Jan 27, 2024
      Thanks! And good luck. (I have looked for a brake fluid that has the same quality requirements as Renault Zoe’s original brake fluid).         ProMeister Brakefluid Dual Action. 

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